Seven Dragons



For generations, the Sujurana family have walked as giants in the criminal underworld that spans the vast South of Auriin. It is said that the line descends from elite families that once ruled the kingdom of Taspia, on the now desolate island of Shuul.

The family name, Sujarana, is derived from an ancient Taspian word meaning "dragon". In the present day, the name "Kerenzuge" is often used, which is a direct calque into modern 'draconic' Taspian, as spoken by the dragonborn tribes that still inhabit the northern coast of Shuul, and many of the dragons who occupy the island.

During the fall of the Taspian Empire, the seven rulers and their families went into hiding, fearing the wrath of their rebelling subjects. In the following centuries, their descendants began to rise back to power, this time as crime lords rather than monarchs.

At any one time, their crime empire is headed by seven members of the family, selected by their elders, known as the Seven Dragons. When elected in this way, the family member takes on an alias, often honouring a personal quality, or a great act that influenced the elders' decision to elect the individual.

Current Leaders


Lacewing (or, The Lacewing Wyrm) is the oldest Dragon. Her father was on the council before her. Her mother was of elf and sprite ancestry, which she has inherited. Despite appearing largely human, Lacewing possesses delicate, pointed ears, an extended lifespan, and - most notably - the ability to summon a pair of spectral, prismatic wings with which she is able to fly.


Ironscale bears patches of grey-metallic dragon scales on his skin - a sign of the family's draconic ancestry. He is the second oldest council member, and oversees their operations in the east, where he serves as a senior adviser to the crooked ruler of Morqhād, one of the most powerful men in the continent.

The Amber Dragon

The Amber Dragon was elected at the same time as his twin, the Scarred Serpent. Both were groomed for the role from a young age, eventually joining the council at the age of 23. He earned his name through his reputation for casting enemies that fell to him in amber. The most famous example of such an act (among the family and associated parties) is the Sapphire Dragon, encased in a prison of amber, that decorates the arena at Seven Dragons Hollow, which he now oversees.

The Scarred Serpent

A great warrior, named for the battle scars he bears, the Scarred Serpent now resides in Shuul with his twin brother. From Seven Dragons' Hollow, he oversees the family's operations in the west of the continent, in Nurfel and Fëaforn. He is a great military mind, and often leads the family's larger combat operations from the front lines.

The Little Dragon

The Little dragon is named for the fact that he was born prematurely and thus underdeveloped. With the aid of the family's mages, The Little Dragon has since grown into a strong and able adult, with a particular talent for the arcane. All the fussing and extra care that he received in childhood and adolescence has led to the Little Dragon carrying an air of entitlement about him, which often goes fulfilled.

The Obsidian Witch

The Obsidian Witch bears the mark of her draconic ancestry as a bold, deep purple, tattoo-like birthmark on her face. The mark is an ancient and mystical symbol of the obsidian dragons, which grants a number of magical boons. Since being elected to the council, she has begun to descend into madness. Although she is more eccentric than dangerous, her effectiveness as a leader is considerably diminished; however, she is known to be able to channel the wisdom of her draconic ancestors.

The White Dragon

The youngest of the Seven Dragons, The White Dragon was born in mysterious circumstances. The only family member to have white hair and pale grey eyes, rather the black hair and red eyes of his parents and cousins. The White Dragon is naturally blessed with powerful arcane talents. Many who side with the Sujurana family believe that he carries the spirit of Lys - the youngest and most powerful of the Prime Deities. Because of this belief, no children have been born into the family since, in order to parallel the story of Lys, who ended the creation of new prime deities.